About 6 in 10 cases of Stress Incontinence can be cured or improved with this treatment. It is important however to exercise the correct muscles, try the below two exercises:
1. Start by sitting in a chair with knees slightly apart. Try to imagine that you are stopping gas from escaping from your anus. Squeeze the muscle just above the entrance to your anus. You should feel some movement in the muscle. Keep your legs and buttocks still.
2. Start by imagining that you are urinating and that you are trying to stop the stream of urine. This exercise will use slighlty different parts of the pelvic floor muscles as oppposed to the first exercise. You should feel some tightening in the muscle.
These exercises should be done every day at both a slow and fast rate. For a slow rate, when tightening the muscles hold the count to five then relax. For a fast rate, when tightening the muscles hold for only a second or two and then relax. Repeat both the slow and fast rate.
It is recommended to do the exercises for 5 minutes every day from at least three times a day up to 6 to 10 times a day. The great thing about these exercises is that you can do them while going about your regular daily activity.
You can start to see improvements in as little as a few weeks but it is recommended to continue with the exercises for at least three months and up to 20 weeks.
In the meantime, to protect yourself from leaks and to restore your confidence there are many great Incontinence Products such as Tena Serenity, Tranquility and Dignity that offer great solutions for light to heavy incontinence.
Charles Runels Date 4/19/2013
There's a new treatment for stress incontinence to cause stem cells to generate new healthy tissue. The procedure is called o-shot which has been very effective with my patients.
More can be seen at OShot.info
Hope this helps.
Charles Runels, MD
Charles Runels Date 8/22/2013
There's a new and safer way to achieve the same results as Coaptite. Using blood-derived growth factors to treat stress incontinence avoids the risk of granuloma formation.
You can find out more by going to the following website: http://OShot.info/members/stress
Charles Runels Date 8/29/2013
There's a new and safer way to achieve the same results as Coaptite. Using blood-derived growth factors to treat stress incontinence avoids the risk of granuloma formation.
You can find out more by going to the following website: http://OShot.info/members/stress
Charles Runels Date 9/13/2013
There's a new and safer way to achieve the same results as Coaptite. Using blood-derived growth factors to treat stress incontinence avoids the risk of granuloma formation.
You can find out more by going to the following website: http://OShot.info/members/stress